Welcome to Target Tracker Support

We have a wealth of support available for Target Tracker subscribers. Whether you prefer to speak to someone on the phone, watch a video or browse through a help guide, we have something to suit your preferences.

There is a detailed Help Guide in the Help tab of Desktop Target Tracker, covering all functions and reports in great detail. Many areas in Target Tracker even have a Help icon which will take you directly to the page you need.

For those who like a demonstration, there is also a range of video tutorials available through the Help tab in Desktop Target Tracker, all of which are also accessible through this support page.

Our dedicated Helpline are available to help any members of school staff or support teams with any Target Tracker queries. Our team has a wealth of experience with Target Tracker and can answer your questions, no matter how big or how small.

In addition, you will find a range of additional help guides, videos and instructions on this support page, including our downloadable statement PDF resources.

You can browse through our support guides through the menu, or watch our tutorial videos here:

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