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A wide range of quality training

Our wide range of quality training is available for new and existing users and is all delivered by experienced practitioners. Details of our training courses are detailed on this page, including bespoke consultancy. All of our courses can be delivered in your school for your staff or delivered to your group of schools.

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Bespoke Sessions

Choose from one of our pre-designed courses or arrange a bespoke session for your school or group of schools where the content covered is down to you. One of our trainers will come to your school and work alongside you to deliver the content you want, in a way that suits your school or group.

One to two schools: Training on any of the pre-designed courses or a bespoke session for up to 24 delegates from one or two schools. We can accommodate these sessions for up to 35 delegates which will incur additional costs for technical support.

Three to twelve schools: Training on any of the pre-designed courses or a bespoke session in your school for up to 24 delegates from your group of three to twelve schools. All group training sessions costs include technical support to ensure the smooth running of your session.

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Our Helpline Team

Alternatively, our Helpline team offer a Software Support service, either in school or via a remote screen share. This service is offered to schools who need assistance with the fundamentals of the Target Tracker software and is intended for one or two members of staff.

As well as supporting new and existing teaching staff, we can also offer support to School Administrators, Data Managers and Support Staff, covering a range of subjects, including;

  • End of year data returns
  • Assessment data entry
  • Software installs
  • updates and Contextual data updates from your MIS
Software Onsite Support Service

Target Tracker Training Courses

Area User Meetings

This course has been designed to facilitate networking and collaborative working on topics of common interest in the effective use of Target Tracker and to provide an opportunity to explore practical issues or questions with one of our advisers. It will include updates on the latest Target Tracker developments, using Target Tracker for middle leaders and a general Q&A session and troubleshooting advice.

Audience: experienced staff, middle and senior leaders

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600 

Target Tracker EYFS – Webinar Starter

Our EYFS webinar starter course will lead new users through the use of formative assessment based on the EYFS frameworks, summative data for middle and senior managers and how to use assessment data to impact pupil progress. The course focus will be: overview of assessment, summative and formative assessment, observations, and reporting.

Audience: EYFS staff, SLT, middle leaders

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600

Bespoke Training and Consultancy

Receive in-school training and consultancy – what is covered during the session is down to you. One of our trainers will come to your school and work alongside you to deliver the content you want, in a way that suits your school or cluster.

Duration: Full-day (6 hours) or half-day (3 hours)

Audience: EYFS, KS1, KS2, new staff, experienced staff, middle and senior leaders, governors

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600 stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Target Tracker – EYFS Starter

Our EYFS starter course will lead new users through the use of formative assessment based on the EYFS frameworks, summative data for middle and senior managers and how to use assessment data to impact on pupil progress. The course focus will be: overview of assessment, pupil data, formative and summative assessment, observations, reporting, and administration.

Duration: Full-day (6 hours)

Audience: EYFS and nursery, new staff, middle and senior leaders

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600 stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Target Tracker – Primary Starter

This starter course covers both primary and EYFS in one day and will lead new users through the use of formative assessment based on the 2014 primary curriculum, summative data for middle and senior managers and how to use assessment data to impact on pupil progress. The course focus will be: overview of assessment, pupil data, formative and summative assessment, observations, reporting, and administration.

Duration: Full-day (6 hours)

Audience: KS1, KS2, new staff, middle and senior leaders

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600 stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Target Tracker Starter Course – Primary & EYFS in One Day

This starter course covers both primary and EYFS in one day and will lead new users through the use of formative assessment based on the 2014 primary curriculum, summative data for middle and senior managers and how to use assessment data to impact on pupil progress. The course focus will be: overview of assessment, pupil data, formative and summative assessment, observations, reporting, and administration.

Duration: Full-day (6 hours)

Audience: EYFS, KS1, KS2, teachers, middle and senior leaders

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600 stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Data Analysis for Senior/Middle Leaders

This course is designed for school leaders who wish to create a detailed analysis of their formative and summative data against either EYFS or the primary curriculum. Using your own data, you will focus on identifying performance by different groups and particular trends. The course focus will be: groups, filters and custom filters; gap analysis – identifying trends; progress – groups and subject areas; formative to summative – is it consistent?; attainment – groups and subject areas; assessment conversions – using multiple starting points; and summarising and presenting data effectively.

Delegates are expected to have at least 12 months of new curriculum assessment data and know how to enter both formative and summative data.

Duration: Half-day (3 hours)

Audience: EYFS, KS1, KS2, senior and middle leaders, experienced staff

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600 stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Making your End of Key Stage Judgements

This course is designed for year 2 and year 6 teachers to learn how to use Target Tracker to support the decision making and data return processes for statutory end of key stage assessments. The course focus will be: what are the statutory end of key stage TA arrangements?; how to use Target Tracker to inform judgement against the Teacher Assessment Frameworks; using observations to record evidence and support moderation; recording end of key stage TA and test results; and data returns.

Staff attending must have a clear understanding of both formative and summative assessment entry.

Duration: Half-day (3 hours)

Audience: KS1, KS2, new staff, experienced staff, middle and senior leaders

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600 stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Multi-School Tracker Starter Course

Multi-School Tracker combines individual school’s assessment results to allow analysis across a Multi-Academy Trust, federation or other group of schools using a web-based system. The starter course covers: how to generate reports, using school groups and school/pupil filters, updating data from Target Tracker, and managing users.

Audience: experienced users of Target Tracker, headteachers, SLT, MAT leaders

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600  stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Preparing your Target Tracker Data for Ofsted

In partnership with Ofsted inspectors, senior members of local authority settings, as well as current headteachers and governors inspected under the new evaluation schedule, this course has been designed to take senior managers through how Target Tracker can support your school in an inspection. The course focus will be: establishing starting points, ensuring pupils are on-track to be secure in their appropriate year group, identifying vulnerable children and groups, showing progress, ensuring consistent and well-moderated formative assessment is being used effectively, and comparing your data with Target Tracker national data.

Duration: Full-day (6 hours)

Audience: middle and senior leaders, governors

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600 stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Target Tracker and Governors’ Data Responsibilities

This course is designed to support your governors in understanding current assessment practices and how Target Tracker is used in schools. It also includes sharing the questions governors should be asking about data, the reports they might receive and how to interpret them. The course will cover: what is formative and summative assessment?; how does Target Tracker record these?; what should the school have in place to support assessment (policy, progress meetings, subject leaders, SLT, interventions to act on information)?; understanding reports; and other available assessment data.

Duration: Half-day (3 hours)

Audience: governors

Book: Call us on 0345 200 8600  stating your preferred dates, approximate delegate numbers and if this is for your school or a group of schools.

Target Tracker Update Events

Our development team are constantly enhancing, improving and adding to the software, and many schools are unaware of the comprehensive range of tools and facilities Target Tracker now offers. To help with this, we are running a series of events to update you on new functionality that has either recently been incorporated into Target Tracker, or will be appearing in a future release, including: using the updated Target Tracker iOS app, customising the system to meet your own approach, making sense of how to show progress using formative and summative assessments, showing progress for more and less able pupils and all key groups, assessment approach for transition from EYFS into KS1, building your own ‘must have’ outcomes for specific terms or end of year using the new statement groups.